Holy Name of Jesus accepts offerings for Mass Intentions. To request to have a Mass offered for a loved one, please contact the Parish Office. Mass stipends are $10.
Policy Regarding Mass Intentions
The suggested offering for a Mass Intention is $10.00.
The intention can be for a deceased person or a living person, Catholic or non-Catholic or a general intention such as vocations, world peace, thanksgiving, etc.
A specific Mass time and date can be requested, but if that date is taken, the Mass will be assigned to the closest possible date or according to the requester’s preference.
Mass offering/intention
The Mass Intention for one of the weekend Masses will be for the parishioners of Holy Name of Jesus Parish Family. There is only one intention per each Mass.
We will schedule Mass intentions from January to end of December for the current year. No Masses for the following year will be scheduled until that particular year's Mass Book has arrived.
The name(s) for the Mass intention will be published in the parish bulletin.
Each member of the faithful may offer the Mass for his or her own intention.
The Mass offering (stipend) goes to the priest celebrating the Mass.